County of Simcoe
In January of 2010, the County of Simcoe began a 70,000 square floor LEED Gold addition to its Administrative Centre along with a renovation to its existing 70,000 square foot building. The County called on Harkel Office, a long standing strategic and supply partner, to undertake a workplace audit and furniture selection for its 30-month, $25.3 million expansion.
Harkel worked hand in hand with County staff and its architects to develop a space analysis program for the new building, provided advice on finishes and colours, created specifications for workstations and offices, assisted with the creation of furniture, workstation and office size “standards” for each staff level, and managed the delivery, install and final set up of every piece of furniture.
The County was familiar with these services since it twice awarded in competitive bids design and furniture supply contracts to Harkel in 2002 and 2006. These value added services delivered by Harkel’s project consultants and its inside design and logistics team provided the experience and product knowledge to complete the multi million project on time while continuing to manage on going renovations and installations at the County’s satellite offices.
Harkel worked closely with project architects and interior designers in re-interpreting space use and relocating services requiring public access. The new building changes the way staff and clients use the facility which offers a stunning view of the surrounding forest for its 250 employees. All departments and other key components of the building are directly accessible from its two-story glass-walled lobby, a centre piece for the expansion which utilizes an energy conservation and environmentally-friendly design.
Harkel’s buying power for the project’s substantial furniture requirements provided the County with significant savings. Its knowledge of and access to ergonomic equipment and customized chairs and counters for taller and heavier set employees were also examples of Harkel’s ability to meet the wide ranging special needs of a project of this nature.